Thursday, July 9, 2009

Anxiety Ridden Mommy...

Tonight we are leaving William with an actual non-blood related person! Yikes! I can't tell you how nervous I am! I know that he will be fine, and that he will have fun. I also know it is only 2 hours. Just enough time to go to dinner. I am excited to spend time with Jason, and that my friend will take great care of him, but I am still nervous. Mainly I fear he will cry when we leave, and cry while we are gone. I will have my cell though and I will be less than 20 minutes away. Can you say "Neurotic"?


Little Blessings said...

Have fun! You and Jason deserve a nice night out. Is this anniversary dinner?

Julie said...

I think it would be worse if he didn't miss you, but eventually he will go to school all day, so starting small now will keep you from freaking out completely then.

Kelly said...

It was our belated Anniversary dinner. We went to Red Lobster, which is my favorite! I love those biscuits!