Tuesday, August 18, 2009

So Hot!!

Jason has a conference that just happens to be in DC this year so Will and I decided to tag along today. Big Mistake! I should just stay out of DC from June to September. It is so hot, muggy, and the air quality is terrible, which is terrible for my asthma. I wanted to see the National Geographic Museum which my guidebooks all recommended, it supposedly has the worlds largest globe! William and I made it there, and it was mostly closed for renovations for an upcoming exhibit. So depressing! The worst part was that there was very little to see, and nothing around the same area and Jason wasn't supposed to meet us for an hour and a half! Let's just say we know that place really well now. We had lunch at a cafe and then followed Jason to the convention center for a talk, Will was asleep so he and I hunkered down in the lobby while Jason attended the presentation. Thankfully it was only about an hour, and I was in air conditioning and a comfy chair so quite honestly, I didn't care if it took all day! After Jason returned we went over to the American History Museum and walked around mostly in the train area for William. We also went in to see the original Star Spangled Banner Flag. It was in it's new home and it is really not worth the wait people normally have to see it. After that Will and I called it quits and got on the metro home. Jason followed us a few hours later. Will was very happy to go to bed tonight!

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