Sunday, March 23, 2008

You say goodbye, I say hello....

Yesterday was a sad day here. Grandma left. We took my Mom to the airport last night, and we were very sad to see her go. Will slept 5 hours last night though, so that was nice. This morning we returned to the airport and picked up Aunt Molly. She has been getting acquainted with the baby and familiar with all that parenthood entails. I think she will wait awhile to join the club. Will held his head up a lot today. Jason has been joking that he will have the baby holding his own bottle by 3 weeks and lo and behold- he did it! Granted it was almost empty, but still very impressive for 2.5 weeks. We also let Maggie out today to roam a bit and she seemed much happier. Her stitches come out friday. Happy Easter to everyone!


Little Blessings said...

It must be so nice to have your family there to show Will off too. Plus it is never bad to have additional arms to hold a cranky newborn (even if they aren't cranky!) I can't believe how adult Molly looks. I think the last I saw her she was still a little kid. Have fun!

Simmons Family said...

Happy Easter! Great pictures! You have a very talented baby. Tell Molly that Laura was asking were she was the other day. We told her that she was visiting Will and that just mystified her! She couldn't figure out why Will got to have an Auntie Molly and she didn't! I don't know what made her think of Molly. It is truly remarkable the thinks little kids remember.