Friday, September 21, 2012

Robin Hood's Bay...

Robin Hood's Bay was exactly what you would imagine a little English Seaside Village would be...

I had heard that these cliffs were fantastic for fossil seeking and they were right!! The only problem was you had to be really careful because they were constantly falling apart and dropping large chunks from high above you...Eeek!

We found lots of cool stuff.  This shell was perfectly preserved, in fossil form...I love how you can see the stripes!

You can see how the stone was super flaky all around the fossilized parts...

While Will, Jason, and Mallory dug around in the rocks I tried to keep Charlie busy.  He was happy as a clam!

Sampling the briney treats of the sea...

We stayed as the sun was setting, and as the light changed it just got prettier and prettier...

Charlie chased Mallory up the coast, he was coming after me too with his sea weedy little hands and loved it when I would scream!

Mallory found this Nautilus fossil...

and we caught this little crab...

William had a ball, and was filthy but happy, which is all that matters!

1 comment:

Simmons Family said...

Looks like a great day! Thanks for the postcard. The kids love getting mail!