For the last 2 and a 1/2 years I have read a blog by Matt Logelin. He is a fantastic Dad from California who has a daughter named Madeline. She was born prematurely and had to go straight to the NICU. Her mother, Liz, was recovering from the c-section birth, and was going to be allowed to go see the baby the next morning. While getting up from her bed, she suffered a pulmonary embolism and it killed her instantly. Matt had to pick up the pieces and keep going for his little girl, and I think he has done so beautifully. He has recently published his book "Two Kisses for Maddy" and was in Gaithersburg signing books and speaking at the Book Festival. I was thrilled to meet him, Maddy, and Brooke (Matt's Girlfriend). Blogs are such strange things. I decided it's like a strange one sided friendship. I know so much about him, and his life, and the life of Maddy, and yet, he has no idea I exist (until today). It was great chatting with him and Brooke, and seeing Maddy in person. She and William are so close in age, I feel like we have been raising our kids together!
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