Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I Guess it Couldn't Last Forever or Time to Pay the Piper...

Sleep. I worked hard in those first few weeks to develop my young lad into a great sleeper and I did. He slept great from about 10 weeks on. 8 hour stretches at night, then 10, then 12!!! Wow! What a great kid! "We should have another baby!" I thought, "We are so good at this!" Just 2 months ago he slept from 8 to 8 and took a 1-2 hour nap every day. Then one day he discovered he could climb out of his crib, then he discovered he could turn the knob, then he discovered he could turn our knob! Damn. So now we have a child who isn't napping at all, is getting up at 5:30 or 6 every morning, and is crabby all afternoon because he isn't getting enough sleep! I continue to put him in his room every day for 2 hours, for my own sanity if nothing else, and he spends that time filling his crib with almost everything he can get his hands on. He also will stand at the baby gate and yell for me. I ignore him. Thankfully, bedtime is still great. He goes down easily and stays down till the "morning". We are not morning people here though, so this little morning lark isn't really appreciated. He is adorable though, he comes in bright and cheery and goes "Hi Man!" and snuggles in to bed with us until we can no longer stand the morning antics. So, all in all, I guess I should be happy that we did get 2 good years, and soon he will be old enough to turn on the TV in the morning until a decent hour...


Little Blessings said...

I taught Andrew to turn on the tv at 2. It can be done =)

Kelly said...

I think I may just remember to turn it on to PBS every night before I go to bed and then he can watch Super Why until we get up...

Little Blessings said...

That is exactly what we do. It saved me from sleeping on the couch all morning long.