Thursday, June 11, 2009

Mr Cool...

Will in his Cool sunglasses! He loves to take them on and off, often stabbing himself in the eye.
Maya came to visit us today. Will was not terribly fond of her, but she will be hanging around more and more often so he better get used to her! She is SO sweet! She is now 5 weeks old!

Will has been playing around with his potty chair. Someone gave it to us, otherwise I wouldn't have one yet. He likes to sit on it over and over and occasionally puts it on his head. He peepeed on the floor 4 times though so obviously he is far from ready!
We haven't done much this week, Will has not been feeling great post vaccines, so we stayed in a lot. The weather has also been really crappy. Very muggy and super hot. We went to the pool once, Will still isn't keen on it. We went to story time this morning, which was fun, and then Rachel and Maya came over for a visit. Will wasn't happy when she got a bottle and he didn't! I had to get him one immediately to calm him down. Maya will be coming to stay with us for a few hours a week when Rachel returns to work, so I think it will be really good for Will to learn to share the world with someone else. We are off to spend the day at Jack and Kelsey's tomorrow (I've been watching them every other friday) so Will will get to have tons of fun! They have a dog and he loves spending the day with her! Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Little Blessings said...

Terribly cute! Usually spending time around other kids is a good thing. I remember the first time Andrew saw me hold another baby (He was a bit older than Will) It didn't go over well. And Andrew wasn't super jealous of me. I think I was prego with Zane at the time though so I knew he was going to have to get over it! Hopefully he will have fun with another little person. He can be your big helper!