Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Gas We Pass...

Charlie has been a puzzle. At first everything seemed fine. He drank regular formula and nursed like a champ. He slowly needed more and more formula, since my milk production couldn't keep up with his growth. Over time he became more and more gassy and miserable. I went from Enfamil Newborn to Good Start. He seemed more miserable and would scream and pass gas and cried a lot. We switched to Similac Sensitive, which had worked really well for William. That has been pretty good for the last 3 weeks, but over the last week he has developed extreme pooing issues. He is also super gassy and miserable again. Along with that he has terrible eczema on his face and chest. We saw the Dr today and she told me that we needed to switch to Alimentum, which is a hypoallergenic formula. It is VERY expensive, which I was really freaking out about. I did some research and discovered that our insurance will most likely pay for 75% of it! Hurray! I am so relieved, because quite honestly, I couldn't figure out where we were going to get an extra 300 bucks a month for formula! I gave him 3 feedings of it today and it will be interesting to see how tonight goes. The past 3 nights he has been up from 2-4 am fussing and crying. I hope this fixes that! I should note though that while he has gas and tummy trouble, it isn't affecting his growth, he was 11 pounds 12 oz today! He isn't even 7 weeks yet!

1 comment:

Little Blessings said...

YEAH! for chunky monkey growing. And Yeah for insurance! Boo to cranky babies. Hope that expensive stuff does the trick.