Wednesday, October 24, 2007

20 weeks and counting!

We went in for the 20 week ultrasound today. The baby is measuring very nicely. Heartrate was 148 beats per minute. I didn't get the best pictures today, sorry. But, I can give you a rundown of this one. Clockwise starting at 12 is the ear, below that is an eye, then below that is the nose, directly to the left is the upper lip, and the tounge is sticking out at us. It seems to have a distinct jaw like Jason's. The arms and legs looked great, all the major organs checked out. The baby was also not too embarrased about showing off it's sex, so now we know what it is. If you would like to know as well, email me at and I will tell you. Otherwise we are not telling unless you ask. I had a follow up with my surgeon yesterday, everything is fine, and I will return to work tomorrow. I am looking forward to it, as I have been getting bored here at home.

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