Saturday, December 15, 2012

Charlie Catch Up...

Charlie loves to take things back behind the rocker in his room and play quietly.  At first we couldn't figure out where he was dissapearing to!

Jason left his enchiladas unattended one evening and came back to this!  This kid can eat!
Charlie is now 19 months old.  I have no idea how time is running away from us so quickly.  He is doing great these days.  Very busy, and active, very interested in the world.  He loves William but he is getting more and more independent and it is becoming more and more clear that Charlie is going to be a very different boy than his brother.  He loves putting people in cars and boats, and loves fitting any item into another item.  He enjoys holding two similar items, one in each hand.  He adores my iphone and wants to have it every time he sees me with it.  He likes to color and to throw the crayons on the ground as soon as he is done.  He knows all his body parts and loves to "tickle tickle" people, and even himself!  He thinks sneezing is hilarious, and loves faking one and will laugh and laugh.  He still loves reading and will sit on his own for a long time paging through books.  He eats really, really well.  He adores meat, and cheese, and loves cereal.  He brought me the entire Costco box of Miniwheats halfway up the stairs the other day so I could open it!  He still wakes up EVERY SINGLE night, which is truly, slowly killing us.  I hope every night that by some miracle he will stay asleep all night and it never happens.  Jason is bearing the brunt of this since I have to work, and I have no idea what I would do without him.  Aside from that, Charlie is a sweet little boy, and though he seems to be entering the terrible twos early, I can't imagine life without him!

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