Friday, July 31, 2015

Catching Up...FINALLY

Wow.  I can't believe all that has happened in the last few months.  We searched, put in offers, inspected, walked away, put in more offers, and finally closed on, what we hope, will be our home for a LONG time.  Grandma had cancer, then surgery, then complications, then Aunt Tricia came to see us, then Grandma finally got the all clear, then we moved over a two week period, then school ended, Aunt Molly had her baby, we had a fence, hot water heater, washer and dryer, and new fridge installed, remodeled a bathroom, painted the top floor, relandscaped the entire foundation, and went on a vacation!   Whew!  I have been working, Jason has been working even harder, the kids are growing like crazy, we got a kitten and Grandpa Mike came to see us!  No wonder I'm tired!

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