Saturday, October 20, 2012

Charlie at 18 Months...

I can't believe that Charlie will be 18 months tomorrow.  Time goes far too quickly.  While William seemed so old at this point though, Charlie is still a little baby in my eyes.  I am perfectly content to keep him my baby as long as possible.  He is not really talking much more than he was a few months ago, but you can't miss what he wants or needs.  He is very, very good at getting you to understand with few words.  He still adores William and follows him around much of the day and copies almost everything he does.  He loves to scribble, and reads lots of books each day.  He will just sit and page through them, which I find very endearing.  He loves his blanket and his kitty, and he is still VERY obsessed with the Octonauts on Disney Jr.  I was able to get the toys for him in England, so he has been hauling them around the house all the time.  He loves to eat, and is mainly still a carnivore.  He will eat two or more hotdogs at a time and ate about 1/2 a pound of strawberries last night.  He still has 3 bottles a day, and he still uses his binky at bedtime.  He knows lots of body parts, and makes lots of animals sounds.  He even has different growls for various bears, and lions and tigers, which I think is pretty funny.    He adores being outside and it's so nice now that the weather has cooled off again.  He is dancing a lot and loves listening to music, which is so cute.  He has the funniest "Evil" laugh that he does when he is being naughty, and we try our hardest not to laugh too.  He is a champion fit thrower, way, way worse than William has ever been.  He flings himself to the ground and can keep it going for a good 15 minutes and sometimes even longer.  It's terrible, but we do our best to ignore it.  He is still not sleeping through the night and I keep wondering if he ever will.  You would think at some point it would happen naturally, but he still wakes at least once every single night. Ugh.  Aside from that, he is just so sweet, and I am so happy we had him.  He is cute as can be, and a constant source of entertainment!  I can't wait to see his stats at the Dr this week...

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