Friday, June 8, 2012

Quick Escape...Chincoteague Day One

It was a little windy, but William had been waiting all day for this, and nothing was slowing him down!

The Atlantic...across this water is my sister!

Charlie was obsessed with catching a seagull.  He was so frustrated that they wouldn't just stop and let him pet them!

Pure excitement!  Catch those birds Charlie!


Maybe this time it will work...

How on earth did my baby get so big?  He looks like such a big boy in these pictures...

Charlie ate so much sand in these two days.  This is a shot of his first taste...

Fascinated by the waves...

and the smooshy sand...

Nothing on earth brings me more joy than seeing my children this way...

After we finished at the beach for the night, we drove around a wildlife loop that takes you around the island.  We saw so many birds and lots of bunnies!

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