Sunday, December 25, 2011

Charlie at 8 months...

Charlie turned 8 months old on the 21st.  I missed writing about it due to all the current craziness in our house, but he got lots of attention around here.  He is developing at lightening speed these days, and though he STILL has NO TEETH(!!!) he is almost walking.  He cruises about the house and refuses to stay on the floor resulting in many, many head bonks when he falls.  I still consider a helmet, but he is getting better and better about catching himself correctly.  He is still a terrible sleeper, but he is normally pretty happy so that sort of balances it out.  He is loving having Grandma here and so do we since she takes him every morning so we can get 3 hours of solid sleep from 5 to 8.  He is progressing along with food and has added plums, green beans, peaches, and pumpkin to his menu.  He is still loves his binky an awful lot and I can't bear to take it away.  We tried taking him off his reflux meds this past month, but it was a disaster so he is now back on.  Hopefully by a year he can start trying dairy again and we hope he can manage to tolerate it.  Hurray for having a baby at Christmas again! 

1 comment:

Ms. Leigh said...

Maybe his teeth are taking their time, so he can get past bonking his head on the floor. Teeth and wood floors and head bonks cause lots of blood.