Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My Mommy's Cheaper than Your Mommy!

I was going to buy a Sand/Water table for William for his birthday, but then I looked at them and they were really pricey considering he can't actually play with sand yet. (He eats it) They were also quite tall, they seem to be made for the 2 year old set. So I chucked the idea and bought an underbed storage box, set it on his little Ikea chairs and dumped in a gallon of water. Instant fun for less than 5 bucks!


Ms. Leigh said...

This is why hand me downs and creative solutions are the key to making children happy. Card board boxes, Socks, Shoes, and keys seem to be the favorite of every generation!

And of course water water water....

Simmons Family said...

Hehe! That's great! We have phone and internet again! Hurray! I'm so glad to get caught up with the rest of the world!