Thursday, September 15, 2011

Yet ANOTHER Farm Trip...

Will was immediately befriended by the farm dog, Rose...

William was immediately trying to befriend the wasn't reciprocated, but it was tolerated.

The cows were stopping by for a drink on their way into the milking parlor...William was watching out for the splash from this...

This cow was drinking right from the stream, and splashing us with every lick!


The calves were curious to see if William had milk in his shoes...

Will stayed in this tractor for 20 minutes, then I was finally able to drag him away...

Will quickly gave up trying to feed the calves when he realized how heavy those 2 liter bottles are and how much the babies butt into the bottles...I fed a total of 7, including one that was born yesterday!

Charlie was content to stay cozy and semi dry in his car seat while we did our farm chores!

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