Monday, March 7, 2011

Baby Update...

We went for another growth check on Charlie this morning. He is weighing in at approximately 4lbs, this puts him at an estimated 8 pounds at birth. Sounds just about perfect! He looked great, and though these images are a little blurry, you can still see his face. We saw him open and close his mouth and even blink his eyes today! What an amazing sight!


Little Blessings said...

Do your midwives intend to induce you? Or will they let you go into labor naturally?

Kelly said...

I can't be induced at all with a VBAC, at least with this practice, so I either go into labor naturally, or we do a repeat cesarean. The induction would increase the risk of uterine rupture significantly, so this practice doesn't do it.

Little Blessings said...

Good to know. I didn't realize it increases the risk. But I suppose that makes sense since pitocin is usually involved in an induction. How far were you with Will when they induced him? I don't remember.

Kelly said...

I was 39 weeks, they thought he was over 10 pounds, when he was really only 8! One of the reasons I love my midwives is that they seem to be more willing to let nature take it's course, and figure your body won't grow it bigger than can fit out the exit door. I am getting so excited to see him and see those sweet cheeks in person!

Simmons Family said...

Ah! I love these 3D pics. They are so cool! He looks nice and chubby! Love the cheeks!