Saturday, January 23, 2010

National Building Museum...

Once you've lived in DC long enough, you start to run out of new things to do. Hence, we decided to visit the National Building Museum, which was surprisingly delightful. Though it didn't have the best exhibits for us, there was a large area for Will to run around and a construction room that Will decided was also useful for his deconstructions.

What lovely towers. But can they withstand an F9 on the William scale?

Down it comes!

Guess the design could use a little work.

Will was fascinated by this checkerboard stage. He was running on it while the workers were installing it.

Playing with massive rubbery legos.
And only some of the mess in the background was due to Will. We figure they must use a large snow shovel to pick up the scattered items.

1 comment:

Ms. Leigh said...

WOW, what a lot of space! Fun