Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Dragon on the Loose!
He HATES the hood, but who can blame him?

We have been enjoying a lot of pretend soup meals....

Another random costume shot...

The Potomac at Great Falls

Walker, Pudd and Myself on the canal boat...

We are not doing much for the holiday. We went to a little carnival in our town square yesterday, but William is still quite sick so we didn't stay long. I will post some pictures from the past week. Walker Stanovsky came to visit on Tuesday which was lovely. I used to take care of him and his 2 brothers and it is great to see what a fantastic guy he has become! I took him to Great Falls and we rode the canal boats, which was a lot of fun, though William was unimpressed. Will has a sinus infection now, I guess the vaccine weakened his immune system enough that it set in easily. He is now on antibiotics, but his eyes are improving, so I guess it is working! I tried to get pictures of him in his halloween costume, but he won't keep the hood up. I did the best I could! Have a great holiday!

1 comment:

Simmons Family said...

Ahh, What a cute little dragon! Ihope you are all feeling better soon. We are sick here too (if that's any consulation!)