Sunday, May 3, 2009

14 months...

Concentrating very hard on some applesauce.

Note the Path of Destruction in his Wake....

Vegging Out on his Beloved Pink Hippo.

William will be 14 months old in a couple days so I figured an update was in order. He is still on the brink of cutting his molars, but I can feel them now. Those will bring his grand total to 12 teeth. His current favorite foods are: Strawberries, Broccoli, Mac n Cheese, Weenie Bits, Crispix, and random crumbs he finds on the floor or under edges of furniture. He still loves to read on his own and be read to, and LOVES the Teletubbies, which I let him watch for 30 min daily. His vocab now includes: Bear, PaBaBear (Panda Bear), Boat, Ball, Baabaa, Hot, Hi, Mama, Dada, Sheep, Shoes, and Balloon. He can sign: all done, please, more, and combines "more please" now. He can make sounds for a cow, sheep, snake, goat, chicken, and elephant. He has also learned to shake his head "no", which he finds to be very funny! He loves to go outside and is now tall enough to reach the door handle, and strong enough to turn it! Yikes! Needless to say I lock the deadbolt at all times! He also enjoys "talking" on his cell phone or his hand held up to his cheek. He sleeps very well through the night and recently we stopped the bedtime bottle of milk because I feared bottle rot! I thought this would be huge for him, but once again he proved us wrong by taking it in stride and not fussing a bit. He is still terrified of the vacuum, so I just don't do it unless I have to. He loves to put his head on the floor while bending over at the waist and have us say "upside down!". He adores the sand and water table, and his slide. He got up on it tonight at bedtime and when we told him it was time for bed he laughed and signed "more"! So cute! He is back to hitting and now has recently added biting again, so we are back to saying "No!" 50 times a day and William falling apart into weepy tantrums each time. But he recovers and so do we! The 14 months has gone very fast and we are very blessed to have such a great little guy!


Little Blessings said...

For as concerned as you were about his talking he sure is vocal and saying a ton!!! Can't believe it has been that long since he got here!

Julie said...

Does he have one little freckle on his nose?

Kelly said...

No. It's a blackhead, and the bane of my existence! I even tried a Biore strip on it!